• What camera gear do I need?

    The camera gear you have and (most importantly) are familiar with will do for most trips. One should have the ability for wide angle, macro, and longer lens wildlife & bird photography. A minimum of 400mm lens is suggested for most wildlife photography trips. Some destinations like Snow Leopards, a 600mm with teleconverters is best. For serious wildlife photography, you should consider versatile, super-sharp, and fast lenses. Keep in mind that some of this equipment, especially the 600mm, are beasts that are difficult to carry and travel with.

    If you are purchasing new gear, or borrowing new gear, please use it and get familiar with it before going on your trip. It is very frustrating for everyone to figure stuff out while in the field! If you rent a longer lens, be sure you have the proper tripod, monopod, head and release plates for it.

  • Is one camera body good enough?

    Cameras do fail in the field! It's best not to chance it, so we always recommend having two or even three camera bodies as backup in case of breakage or failure. Plus, having more than one camera body allows you to have multiple lens already mounted and ready to go since there often isn't much time to change lenses between shots.

  • Do I need a tripod?

    If you plan on doing much macro or scenic work on the trip, then a tripod is a must. If you have a large, heavy telephoto lens — like a 500 or 600, a tripod or monopod may be needed for support. If you do bring a tripod, please take it out of the case and work with it before coming on the trip! Make sure all plates and accessories are present!

  • Do I need to bring my computer?

    The best reason for bringing a computer is to download images to an external hard drive. That said, memory cards are so cheap and have so much capacity that not bringing a computer and not downloading to re-use cards is a viable option. So go ahead and leave the computer at home, but be sure to bring plenty of memory capacity in this case!

  • The airplane information says only 15 lbs for carry-on, how am I going to bring my heavy camera gear?

    There is always wiggle room in these weight limitation requirements by airlines. The way your carry on “appears” is very important. Does it look huge and heavy? If you get pushback from a gate agent, be prepared to strap camera bodies around your neck, put lenses in pockets and hand carry a big lens. Wearing a camera jacket or vest with many pockets can help with this. I always get my 40 lbs of carry on main camera kit on the plane with me! It is hardy ever as big a deal as you think it will be! So, relax — it's all going to be alright.

  • Can you provide a list of the minimum required equipment?

    Yes, we supply a list of required equipment and recommended equipment for every workshop and expedition.

  • Can I bring my non-photographer friend or partner?

    We happily accommodate and welcome participants’ guests who are traveling with them during workshops when we can, to a limited extent, and with certain restrictions. Our trips are educational as well as informative. We always strive to send you home with a lot of cultural and natural history knowledge and information. Even if you are not a photographer, you will enjoy our photo tours and expeditions!

    Many of our clients travel to workshops in the company of their spouse, a family member, or friend, and we do everything we can to welcome and accommodate them, short of gratis participation in the workshop, involvement that negatively impacts the experience of our clients, or provision of services, meals, etc. at Toft Photo Safaris expense.

    Lodging: At most workshops where single-occupancy lodging is included as part of the package, one additional guest may stay in the participant’s room at no extra cost. If there is any additional cost to Toft Photo Safaris for lodging, transportation, or anything else due to the presence of the non-participant guest, that cost is the responsibility of the hosting participant.

    Meals: During workshops, we are also often able to accommodate one guest per participant at some meals (most commonly at dinner, and particularly with advance notice so we can include them in reservations), though the guest or hosting participant would be responsible for arranging to pay separately for the guest’s meals and drinks.

    In the Field: Non-participant guests are also welcome to be present at field locations (except in circumstances of access requiring special permits, restricted capacity, the services of a guide, special group transportation, etc.).

    That said, we do have a few guidelines that we ask are followed out of courtesy to the other participants:

    We prefer that participants who bring a non-participant guest into the field with them either drive their own vehicle or make absolutely certain that the guest is present and ready to leave the field location when it is time for the group to depart. Non-participant guests are expected to make every effort to avoid impacting the group’s itinerary and movements. Transport of non-participant guests in vehicles provided by Toft Photo Safaris may not be possible, should not be expected, and is at our sole discretion.

    We expect any non-participant guests joining us in the field to make a deliberate effort to avoid imposing on the group, getting in their way, scaring off wildlife, disturbing natural features of the landscape, etc. In other words, we expect the guest to show courtesy and respect the fact that they are in the presence of a group of people who have come there to focus on serious photography.

    We expect that non-participant guests will make every effort to avoid the appearance (or reality) that they are participating in the workshop. Non-participants might find it interesting to stand by and listen to the instructors giving demonstrations or advice in the field, but doing so on anything more than a very limited and incidental basis can be disruptive and upsetting to the actual participants.

    We are not able to extend an invitation for non-participant guests to join us during lectures, critiques, or other private workshop activities.

    Note regarding participants with special needs: Special accommodations can typically be made for participants who require a non-participant personal assistant due to disability or other factors beyond their control, though all costs associated with the assistant’s presence are the responsibility of the participant in question. Please contact us to discuss arrangements prior to booking.

    That’s about it. In a perfect world, we would prefer not to have to set rules, but experience has taught us that it is best to do so for the benefit of the overall group workshop experience.

  • Do you handle lodging, meals, and transportation?

    Toft Photo Safaris workshops and expeditions are typically packaged inclusive of single-occupancy lodging, all meals, and all beverages, including wine and beer at dinner. Many include transportation during the session. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

    Lodging: The accommodations we select are chosen to best serve the goals of the program in question. In some cases, this could mean a world-class luxury resort that provides exclusive access to a location. In others, it could mean a well-located and beautifully renovated historic hacienda or chateau featuring modern amenities. When overnighting in wilderness areas, we camp out under the stars. It all depends on the scenario that best facilitates the photography we have come to do and the format of the experience. Most of our programs feature accommodation in highly regarded lodges or hotels (typically ranging from two-star to as high a five-star), selected for their high standard of customer service, comfort, and responsiveness to our particular needs.

    Since a majority of our participants prefer single-occupancy lodging, our programs are generally packaged and priced that way by default (though prorated fees for double occupancy are usually available). This is in contrast to most of our competitors, who generally do not include lodging or list a price based on double occupancy that requires payment of a single supplement.

    Meals: We feel that group meals are a critical part of the experience, and as with all that we do, we take good care of our clients in this respect. Meal times and formats are subject to the particulars of each workshop or expedition, but we always provide breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Depending on our photographic goals and what the itinerary permits, we will either offer a sit down breakfast or continental breakfast on the go. Lunches are typically catered by local delis or similar eateries, and dinners are usually fine dining at high-quality restaurants and bistros.

    Beverages: We do our best to keep our clients hydrated both for their health and comfort, but also to to keep their energy levels up and minds sharp. At our nature photography workshops, we typically have a support vehicle carrying water, juice, and soda into the field. Arrangements are made to keep classrooms stocked with coffee, juices, iced water, and soft drinks. Beverages are of course included at all meals, and at dinners, beer and wine are on us.

    Transportation: Some Toft Photo Safaris Workshops and all Expeditions are packaged inclusive of transportation during the session itself, beginning at an initial meeting point in the area. Please see each program’s webpage for details.

  • What experiences are different for photographers vs non-photographers?

    For our Rainforests of Costa Rica photography workshops and Jaguars of the Pantanal, Brazil photo tours we offer two different types of registration: Photographers and Non-Photographers.

    The opportunities offered to Photographers includes preferred seating in 4x4 vehicles and river boats, individual photography instruction (if applicable), and other features necessary for a photographer with his/her gear to get the best shot.

    Non-photographers are welcome is some activities, but we are not able to extend an invitation for non-participant guests to join us during lectures, critiques, or other private workshop activities.

  • When should I book my flights for the trip?

    After booking your trip, please do NOT book any airfare until you receive trip confirmation from Roy Toft, either by a separate email or a phone call. This is to ensure that you will arrive in the meetup destination on the correct day and time!

  • What is Single-Supplement?

    A single supplement is a travel industry premium charged to solo travelers when they book a room or a trip alone. Additional single supplement costs are different from tour to tour. If you would like to avoid this additional cost and cannot find someone to travel with you, please let us know. We will do our best to find another person of the same sex to share with you. If this is not possible, you will need to pay the single supplement to join the photo expedition.

  • What if I have to cancel a trip?

    If you need to cancel your tour or expedition, we will send you a cancellation statement for your insurance purposes. We cannot be held liable for non-receipt of email if you choose to send us an email cancellation notice. Please verify that you receive confirmation of cancellation from Toft Photo Safaris before assuming successful cancellation.

    We understand that life and busy schedules can be unpredictable, and that on occasion a conflict may arise that forces a client to cancel their participation in a workshop or expedition. We endeavor to extend every courtesy to accommodate cancellations and full refund, but due to the significant costs incurred in advance, commitments that we have to make to package our sessions, and credit card processing fees which are often non-recoverable, we have to implement a sliding refund scale based on the amount of time we are left with to attempt to fill a vacancy. Please see below for details.

    Cancellation by Toft Photo Safaris: In the event that Toft Photo Safaris is forced to cancel a workshop or expedition, we will of course provide a full refund of any deposits or fees paid to Toft Photo Safaris by the client toward the package in question.

    Cancellation Policy: According to Toft Photo Safaris' Terms and Conditions, the initial 25% deposit is non refundable, except in extreme circumstances (such as death). Please refer to our ‘Terms and Conditions’ section on our website for more details on our cancellation policy.

  • What is your refund policy?

    If a client must cancel a reservation and Toft Photo Safaris is notified at least 91 days prior to the start date of the session in question, Toft Photo Safaris offers a full refund (less any applicable credit card processing fees) of deposits paid toward the session in question. If we are notified of the reservation cancellation 90 days or less before the start date, we refund based on the following schedule:

    90 to 61 days prior to the start date, we retain 25% of the total package price of the session being cancelled, and refund the balance paid to date (i.e. if a 50% deposit has been paid toward the session, we refund half of that deposited amount).

    60 to 31 days prior to the start date, we retain 50% of the total package price of the session being cancelled, and refund 50% of the total cost of the session (if only a 50% deposit has been paid by this time, that deposit is forfeit entirely).

    Within 30 days of the start date of a workshop or expedition, 100% of the package price is due in full and is non-refundable.

    Credit Card Processing Fees: In the case of any booking cancelled 60-days or more after payment of the deposit by credit card, a 3% handling fee applies, as processing fees charged by our merchant services provider are non-recoverable beyond 60-days from the original transaction in the case of Visa and MasterCard payments. In the case of American Express transactions, the 3% handling fee applies to all refunds payable due to client cancellation, as AmEx processing fees are never recoverable by Toft Photo Safaris.

    Refund of Payments Made by Check: No processing fees are withheld in the case of refund of payments that were made by check. Please contact us directly at info@toftphoto.com or +1-760-525-6868 to notify us that you wish to make your payments by check and we will assist you with the process.

    As a courtesy, Toft Photo Safaris will provide a full refund, less any credit card processing fees, to the canceling client if the session in question is ultimately sold out at the time of the start date.

    Please note: Some expeditions involving particularly costly advance commitments, such as ship charters, may be subject to modified cancellation and refund terms. Any departures from the policy outlined above will be listed on the webpage of the expedition in question.

  • Is it mandatory to purchase travel insurance?

    No, it is not mandatory to purchase travel insurance, but because the initial deposit is non-refundable, it is strongly recommended. At minimum, Toft Photo Safaris recommends that you have emergency medical coverage, and additional benefits like trip cancellation and interruption (TravelGuard.com is a good option).

    Toft Photo Safaris is not responsible for, and will not be held liable for, any expenses incurred by the client in relation to planned participation in a cancelled Toft Photo Safaris workshop or photographic expedition, including, without limitation, costs of travel, passports, visas, photographic or computer equipment, software, apparel, luggage, or supplies.

    Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about our policies.

  • How much money and currency should I bring?

    This is an often asked question and is a bit difficult to answer.  Most of your expenses are paid unless otherwise notated in your itineraries. If you like to shop, then we suggest bringing USD. US dollars are the most widely accepted currency on our trips. Small kiosks and people in villages will accept either USD or their local currency. Most of the larger shops accept credit cards. Note: make sure you alert your bank or credit card company regarding your international travel. We will be able to tell you about your shopping opportunities and can then change your dollars into local currency if you bring USD. If you have any questions, please feel free to email roy@toftphoto.com prior to the trip.